Fakultät für Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften


Studieren in Sambia an der Partneruniversität Lusaka - Informationsveranstaltung





Talks with taste


‚Talks with taste‘ is an international event series of the School of Humanities in cooperation with Kirche an der Uni (ESG and KHG Wuppertal). In addition to lectures, interviews and panel discussions, there will be an opportunity to meet and network. Snacks and drinks will be provided.

Talks with taste 04/2025


23.04.2025: Sexual Diversity/Intolerance in Africa and the Historical/Current Role of the West. Speakers: Dr. Mwansa Mukalula-Kalumbi & Dr. Emmanuel Phiri (University of Zambia, Lusaka)

Dr. Mwansa Mukalula-Kalumbi is a lecturer, researcher, and consultant at the Department of Educational Administration and the Head of Department for Quality Assurance at the University of Zambia. She holds a doctorate degree in Education Management from the University of South Africa. Her research interests include Education Policy; Early Childhood Education; Educational Capacity Building and Education Quality Assurance.

Dr. Emmanuel Phiri works as a lecturer, researcher, and consultant at the Department of Philosophy and Applied Ethics and as Assistant Dean for the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zambia. He holds a PhD in Applied Ethics from the University of Stellenbosch. His research interests lie within the general province of African cultural studies, particularly in matters of sexuality, religion, and politics.


30.04.2025: Sustainable through international cooperation.
Join(t) projects with the University of Zambia (UNZA) in Africa.
The panel discussion provides insights into academic life in Zambia and offers space to develop further joint projects with students, doctoral candidates and university staff in the fields of teaching, research and third mission.
Panellists: Dr. Mwansa Mukalula-Kalumbi (Education Policy, UNZA), Dr. Emmanuel Phiri (Philosophy & Applied Ethics, UNZA), Patricia Mwila Sakala (Head of International Office, UNZA), Prof. Dr. Maria Anna Kreienbaum and Prof. Dr. Peter Gust (Vice-Rector Third Mission and International Affairs, BUW)
Moderation: Apl. Prof. Dr. Carmen Ulrich


Talks with Taste – Trailer



+++ Neuer Podcast Internationales +++

In Folge 5 ist Alice Samson zu Gast. Sie ist im Rahmen des Deutsch-Französischen Freiwilligendienstes von September 2024 bis Juni 2025 in der Fakultät für Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften tätig. Sie arbeitet an den binationalen Studiengängen AKWi und AKWiNa mit, moderiert die Table Ronde française und bietet verschiedene Events mit Frankreichbezug an.


ICE: Intercultural connected experts – PhD roundtable

The ICE is an international event series of the School of Humanities in cooperation with Kirche an der Uni (ESG and KHG Wuppertal).To the event everybody and especially all (international) PhD students are cordially invited. The panel discussion followed by snacks and drinks is a great opportunity to build professional relationships.

Bei allen weiteren Fragen kontaktieren Sie gerne:

Apl. Prof. Dr. Carmen Ulrich
Referentin für Internationales und Qualitätssicherung
Bergische Universität Wuppertal | Fakultät für Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften
Gaußstr. 20 | O.07.11
42119 Wuppertal
Tel: 0202 4392143